Title : When will it end?
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When will it end?
Something on my mind. People around me are talking about having a big party when it all ends, a street party, or even bigger, on the playing field. I know it's nice to think about such things, to plan what to do when the veil is lifted and we can all go back to doing what we want to do. But my gut feeling is that we can't go back, this is a life changing situation that we are in. It's a wake up call telling us that we all have to take more responsibility for our own lives, and in many cases responsibility for other people's lives.The question I ask is how will we know when the lockdown is ended? Are people waiting for the announcement from government saying that's it all clear, back to how we were. Well it ain't going to happen. The Coronavirus won't suddenly disappear one day, we won't wake up one morning and heave a sigh of relief thinking thank goodness for that, now we can start living again.
My logical mind tells me it will be a gradual process which could take place over a whole year. After this wake up call I for one will want to distance myself from other humans as much as I can. I will select the friends that wish to stay in touch with. I will want to know something about their backgrounds, and I will be cautious about allowing new friends into my life. If this sounds a bit anti social so be it, it is my way of taking personal responsibility for myself. I am a friendly sort, I like chatting, but I will be more careful in future.
I don't think a party is appropriate for celebrating the end, whenever that will be. I will remember all the deaths, all the lives that the virus has claimed, all the families that will be grieving, and all those who have lost their jobs and have to make a new start. I just hope that people can pull through. I for one will be grateful that I am still alive, if I am still alive.
Look after yourselves. ilona xxx
thus Article When will it end?
that is all articles When will it end? This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
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