Title : Disgusting (Puke Worthy) Twitter verification of NYT’s ‘racist’ Sarah Jeong sparks online outrage, accusations of hypocrisy
link : Disgusting (Puke Worthy) Twitter verification of NYT’s ‘racist’ Sarah Jeong sparks online outrage, accusations of hypocrisy
Disgusting (Puke Worthy) Twitter verification of NYT’s ‘racist’ Sarah Jeong sparks online outrage, accusations of hypocrisy
RT | Aug 20, 2018 |
© Brendan McDermid / Reuters |
Jeong, who has been on Twitter since 2009, only received the blue tick after she was hired by the Times, despite outrage after a series of past tweets re-emerged in which she ranted about “dumbass f*cking white people” and admitted she enjoys “being cruel to old white men” — as well as a slew of other derogatory comments aimed at “white people”.
Earlier this month, the Times was forced to publicly defend its decision to hire the Asian-American Jeong after the tweets sparked controversy online. In a statement, the Times said that while it did “not condone” her past speech, Jeong had simply been “imitating the rhetoric of of her harassers” and that she now understood her past approach was wrong. The paper also said it was confident Jeong would be “an important voice” going forward. Jeong herself defended her tweets, claiming she saw them as “counter-trolling” against some of the abuse she had personally received from other users on the platform.
But Twitter’s decision to bestow the blue check mark on the tech reporter was a step too far for some people, who pointed out that if a white person had made similar comments about black or asian people, for example, they would never have been hired by the paper of record in the first place.
Twitter just verified New York Times newest board member @SarahJeong, which is strange because they said they weren't going to issue verification badges to racists anymore. Checkout some of her lovely tweets about white people: https://t.co/Qh9j12Dvyn— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) August 17, 2018
Twitter claims it wants to create a healthier environment on its platform. Yet, they've verified @sarahjeong even after her racist tweets were exposed.https://t.co/X0A0ONzX9V— Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) August 17, 2018
Similarly, the fact that a figure like WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has never been verified by Twitter — despite being a figure of huge public significance — is another decision serving to indicate that Twitter is indeed making political decisions when it comes to verifying (or not verifying) many of its high profile users.
In a week that Gavin McInnes— who has NEVER tweeted ANYTHING racist— gets kicked off of this platform, @sarahjeong who wishes that 60% of this country was forced to live underground based on the color of their skin receives a verification.— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) August 17, 2018
Jeong’s verification and Jones’ suspension prompted users to question Twitter’s methodology for verifying public figures, as well as sarcastic questions about whether abusing white people on Twitter was in fact deemed acceptable by the social media giant, while abusing black people was seen as off limits.
Sarah Jeong now has a verified Twitter account, while Alex Jones has been temporarily suspended from tweeting. I guess it's OK to spew hate if it's against white people.— Edward Reed (@edwarddreed) August 16, 2018
Sarah Jeong is trying to justify her racism by saying she's a victim of racism. These people are fucking mental! I am not surprised despite her racism towards white people that she was able to find a job at the NY Times. Hating white people is acceptable in the world now.— Justin Otstott (@JustinOtstott) August 16, 2018
Twitter won’t blue check me, so I’m going with what just got Sarah Jeong verified.— Paul Hookem 🇺🇸 (@PaulHook_em) August 17, 2018
Dumbass fucking white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants.
—any moment now...🤗
.@Jack - can you please explain the methodology in which you ban people - Roger Stone and Milo, block @RealAlexJones, de-verify conservative commentator @LauraLoomer for there "hate" but you will verify people like @petestrzok, @sarahjeong, @BillCosby, @HarveyWeinstein, etc.— Michael Moates (@freedom_moates) August 16, 2018
Responding to a column written by the newspaper’s Bret Stephens, which welcomed Jeong to the Times, Williamson tweeted that Stephens had offered a classy welcome to Jeong, despite the fact that she had “yet to prove she deserves one”.
Shortly after, Williamson deleted the tweet and apologized, saying it was “inappropriate” — prompting speculation that direction had come from higher up to warn the Times staff to publicly stand by Jeong, despite the controversy surrounding her hiring.
Twitter has faced criticism in recent weeks as an investigation revealed that the platform was “shadowbanning” some high profile conservative users, making their tweets less prominent on their followers’ feeds and making the accounts harder to find when people searched for them.
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